Friday, April 1, 2011

One Night with the King

"For your Maker is your husband, the Lord of hosts is His name..." Isaiah 54:5

Another week has gone by out of seven months and I am only a few feet deep in "setting my house in order".  The Lord spoke to me at the end of August of last year to "set my house in order".  Having absolutely no clue what that meant in terms of my out-of-control life always on the go, I said, "Alright...I'll do it!"  It was obvious to me at that point that although I had an inkling of an idea of what He was referring to, I wasn't exactly sure as to how to go about doing it.  Little did I know that within a week or two of that time, my pastor would be preaching a 20+week series on that exact title...and thus, the how.  "Oh I really have to do this--no excuses now."  Still, I moved slower than a turtle with only two legs.

While I believe it's true that everyone has something he or she needs to do to get to the next level, it is (in my opinion) even more important for us singletons to get our "stuff together" for a couple of reasons.  Firstly, it helps to lighten the load rather than bringing in all of the baggage from across the world when He brings "the one" into our lives.  I can hear it now.  "Wow, the sticker on your bag says, England--I had no idea you traveled there."  Your response.  "I haven't.  It's just a little extra baggage I carry around with me that came from someone else who has."  Sad, and yet for me how true the statement; Secondly, the Lord has need of us.

I am reminded of Paul addressing both men and women who were sans their better half saying, "...He who is unmarried cares for the things of the Lord--how he may please the Lord...The unmarried woman cares about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit...this I say for your own profit, not that I may put a leash on you, but for what is proper, and that you may serve the Lord without distraction." (1 Cor. 7:27 - 35)

Come on...let's face it--life isn't all that bad living solo.  Sure we do know that His Word tells us that two are better than one, and that it isn't good that man should be alone; However, until this gal is found by Mr. Right (and by mr. Right I am referring to the one who God is preparing for me even as I write), I'm going to work my tail off for the Kingdom and make some headway for the King! 

When is the last time you've spent a quiet, romantic evening alone with Him--just you and Him?  Has it been a while?  Have you ever?  Here's the thing...sure there are some definite advantages to being married (I can, in fact, think of a few obvious ones right off the top of my head); However for the most part, I must say, we have an advantage that married couples don't have--TIME and FLEXIBILITY.  

You say you want companionship, intimacy, a partner...I can think of no better person than the One who knows you inside and out.  It's time to put the idolatry of wanting-to-be-married-more-than-anything-else, down.  Love Him first.  Fall in love with Him.  Let Him love you and see what changes take place in your life helping you get your "stuff" in order.  Let His love make you whole, ridding the junk so many bring into their marriages.  A little rusty in the love-n-romance department?   Maybe you're married and lost that "spark." 

I challenge you...dare you, even.  Look at your calendar over the next couple of weeks.  Pick a time, and pencil it in as an official date--just you and Him.  Treat it like you would a real date, because that's exactly what it will be.  Pick a place that would feel real for you, and yet not too weird.  The beach? Park? Living room by the fireplace?  Be creative and go all out, getting dressed in your finest or most comfy outfit, dabbing on your favorite fragrance and showing up.  You work out the details of how you want to bless Him.  On time, or late...I am confident that you'll be glad you did...and more will He.

With love,
