Tuesday, March 22, 2011

For This Purpose

"Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say?  'Father, save Me from this hour'? But for this purpose I came to this hour." John 12:27

Anyone ever feel like you're reading the Word of God and all of a sudden the words hit your gut like a ton of bricks and your heart leaps inside you?  This scripture did it for me yesterday.  While there are others that have done the same, this scripture has undoubtedly become my mandate, causing me to be very candid with the world about My Savior, and how He picked me up from dirt and soot, only to love me, clean me up and present me back to the world, so that I may share and give back what has been given to me. It's time to speak up and speak out--it's time to be real.

At the age of 41 and never married, this blog is intended for singles who, like me, are striving to live a life of purity in a world where casual sex is portrayed as glorified and glamorous--Satan is a liar as it is anything but that!  Scenes from movies watched, books read and personal experiences in my own life replay like a bad tape--proof that like so many others, I too, bought the lie.  His Word tells us that His people "...are destroyed for a lack of knowledge."  (Hos. 4:6)  As I continue to encounter singles across the world, I have been stirred up as it is evident to me that I am far from alone in this fight for holiness. 

That being said, I have committed to penning my struggles, victories, pain and faith with any and all willing to hear--married folks included! 

Cheers to an incredible year unfolding...His name be glorified.

I love you already,

Cyndi Galley
Orange County, CA